Friday, December 26, 2008

Scanning: No Method to Our Madness...

No, there was no method to our madness in scanner experiments. (Want to know about method? Remind me to tell you about Professor Ziggy and the chocolate-chip cookie recipe.) As a result of our haphazard method, I went home with a hodge-podge of file sizes and types. I had one interlaced .GIF of a painting, "Sisters"; one .JPEG of "Ghost in Pajamas" (a colored pencil illustration); and one I-don't-know-what of Bugbones. (Working with that thing was another story.) After uploading my artwork, I found that I really liked the interlaced .GIF. It made for a cool download! Still, a .JPEG would have been the better choice, I learned. GIFs are better suited for computer-generated images. Alas, we didn't save any images in uncompressed formats. This would impede my options for working with the files. I left Terri's house with three photo files and a covetous desire to own my own scanner. I proudly e-mailed my images to Philip, the fearless guide of The Artist's Exchange, and we conversed about art. Then I began my next challenge: uploading files and placing them on my web page.

Oh, the perils of Bugbones...

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